Friday, June 3, 2011

Tool 1

After many hours I was able to find my blog from 23 things. Then I had to remember my password. Once I remembered my password I had to make some changes. I'm in and it is all working now!!!! Yea.

I made a Voki. This was new because voice could be added. I had to get some help from Guusje to save my Voki of my dog, Mia, because changes have been made since I last worked on my blog.


  1. 4th Graders love Vokis. They are wonderful for re-enforcing sentence structure.

  2. OK. So now I will go and try to create one. I hope I can do it.

  3. Donna, Love Mia! I was encouraged by the fact that you finished 23 Things in the month of June, and enjoyed reading your responses of what you learned along the way-I am wondering if I can complete 11 Tools by August! You're great with technology and I always appreciate all of your help with Skyward and tech issues at school. Good Job!

  4. Donna, I loved Mia also! As I finished Tool #1 earlier today, can you please explain to me the difference between creating an avatar and a Voki? Are they the same thing? I am trying to keep the "tech" vocabulary straight, but I am confused about the differences, if any, between these two words. Thanks!
